Part 5 - Computer Modelling

Back when I left university (when dinosaurs etc. …) I joined a consultancy, with my degree certificate clutched in my sweaty little palm, thinking that I knew everything. On Day 1, they asked me to work out the deflections of a three span continuous bridge, with integral sloping piers … and I found out exactly how much I knew about being a real engineer.

For a very long time, I thought that my lack of knowledge about one of the fundamental tools in engineering was a) because I did general engineering, b) computer analysis was cutting edge and my university was behind the times or c) I must have overslept and missed the lecture.

After many years of explaining the basics, I have found out that the answers are a) I get the same problem with grads who specialised in civil engineering b) they even have bridge design games on the internet now so it cannot be that and c) probably not.

It seems that at least some universities think that using a computer analysis programme is beneath their contempt academically – if you cannot do a PhD about it, it is work for a mere technician and they do not bother to teach it. I was taught a lot of guff about matrix manipulation, which may have been academically interesting, but of no use unless I actually wanted to write computer software. I do apologise, most sincerely, to those universities who do teach the basics, but to those who do not, may I please beg that you at least run a few lectures as an elective ?

Aside: before some pedant writes in to say that computer programme should actually be spelt with …am at the end, that is only common practice because Microsoft played such a large part in developing computers and that is how they spelt it. It was originally spelt …amme even for computer programmes. I am English, believe that the term American English is an oxymoron, and if my pitiful solo stand annoys you, you can always stop reading J. Whilst I am ranting, the Americans did not capture the first Enigma machine from a German U-boat, as portrayed in U571, it was the British sub HMS Bulldog before America joined the war – U571 was actually sunk in 1944 by a flying boat from the Royal Australian Air Force. Time to lie down in a darkened room again …

My normal approach in the chatty guide is to start off with the simple cases and build on them: this is, however, a total rewrite of such an attempt because it became so convoluted to explain what was not involved in a simple case that even I could not follow it. I will therefore start with what is theoretically the most complex case (3-Dimensional, or 3D, space frame) and later explain why other types (plane structures or trusses) are almost exactly the same but with a few bits missed out. Where there are fundamental changes possible in the simpler cases, I will try to signpost them with a little comment.

There are a large number of computer analysis programmes on the market, so I will try to keep this as widely applicable as possible. I do have a favourite programme, which does almost everything that I could ever want, and allows me to hack the input to do things in any number of ways. Some programmes are both proscriptive and prescriptive (I got confused and had to check that they were different, although both actually apply) and I am sure that you will sometime hear the phrase “That is not how the industry does things”: what they actually mean is that is not how THEY want you to do it. I will therefore try to keep to the things that are common, whilst trying to explain the advantages of particular approaches. I am somewhat odd, being a hard core engineer in my 50’s, but that means that I get a lot of the fun jobs to do and I need to have a large and varied toolbox, and do not like being dictated to by analysis programme snobs (sadly they do exist).

Fundamental: I will mainly be chatting about computer modelling programmes. That is not a precise definition, but what I mean are pieces of software that take information about the geometry, section properties and elasticity of a structure and calculate how a series of loads will affect that structure. In my totally arbitrary terms, any programme that then goes on to calculate the strength of the structure, for instance by calculating the effective length of a member, then its limiting stresses etc. is acting as a bolt on to the end of the modelling programme. I am making a generalisation here, especially with regard to some non-linear analysis, but that is advanced and this is a lesson on the basics.

How much detail should you put in


Well that was useful (sounds of foot tapping on floor) ….

Oh all right then.

It depends ….

Without wanting to go into too much detail, a computer analysis creates a large matrix that models the behaviour of particular points on the structure using equations that represent the links between those points (i.e. the structural bits). You need to break the structure down into enough pieces that a) the equations are going to be accurate enough, and b) that you get the results in the places that you want.

a)     Most beam equations are rigorous and you do not need to put in more members than physically exist to get the correct behaviour. Finite element equations make more assumptions and, up to a point, using a finer mesh will give a more accurate result, especially in locations where the results are changing fast such as around a stress concentration.

b)     But unless you are using beams and working with graphical results (amateur !), you will want results at lots of locations along a member. Most programmes give results at the ends of members, so if you want lots of results, then you will need lots of members.

As a rough guide, on a bending structure, like a simply supported beam or a continuous frame, you will want results at the ends, midspan and a few unpredictable locations in between. Most engineers will split a physical member into 8 to 12 model members to get a wide enough range of results, since there will usually be a wide variation in effects along a beam.

On a triangulated, or truss, structure (more of which later) the axial forces will not vary much between panel points (where the members come together) especially if the loads are applied at the panel points. Any moments that occur will generally vary linearly from one end to the other. In this situation, you only need results at the ends of the physical members and you will generally only need to have one model member to represent one physical member.

With finite elements – learn to walk before you run (then have a look at the end of this post).

Fundamental: the analysis works by creating a large matrix and inverting it. The matrix values will depend on the stiffness of the members in between. They not only includes the section properties, but also the length. Having members that range from mm to m will vary by a factor of 1,000 in length but a factor of 1,000,000 in bending stiffness from length alone. This means that the computer will have to do some very involved, often repetitive calculations on numbers that are orders of magnitude different and that is never good. A matrix with too wide a range of values is called “Ill-conformed”. Some engineers try to be clever by inserting a short 1mm long member to offset one member from another, to make the model more accurate, not realising that this messes up the calculations and may give a totally wrong result. This is especially so if the calculation is non-linear and the same numbers are being worked over again and again. Keep things simple and try not to have a factor of more than 10 between the longest and shortest members. You could cope with much more, but why make trouble for yourselves.

What you are trying to achieve

It may sound silly, but the aim of computer modelling is to create something that is an acceptable approximation of your real life structure. Obviously, nothing will ever be a perfect model but you are trying to get close. One of the things that you will learn over time is what parts of the analysis are important and which can be given a lower priority, but it is important to remember that the model is supposed to represent a real structure. If your model does something unusual then it can be a) you made a mistake (very common) b) the computer programme has a bug (not very common) or c) you have discovered something that will improve your understanding of structures. With 30 years’ experience, the unusual results are nearly always my mistake, but sometimes I learn something new - I do have to thoroughly think the problem through for a few hours, and bounce my thoughts off of my colleagues, before I am happy with something new though.

The dots

All modelling programmes start from a series of points in space. These are usually called nodes or joints, but if you find another term then please substitute that in your own mind. I will use the term joint here.

In a 3D analysis, joints are positioned in three-dimensional space. This 3D space uses what is called the Global Coordinate System, and (odd as it may seem now for me to say this, but it will make sense later) all joints use the same Global Coordinate System. Although most programmes can use cylindrical or polar coordinates, most modelling uses the Cartesian coordinate system X, Y and Z, with two axes at right angles in the horizontal plane and one vertical. If you are not entering data in the Cartesian system, your programme will probably just be translating the data into Cartesian anyway.

Fundamental: Please note that different programmes use different axes for “Up”, and up is very important as you will find out when we discuss the axes used by members. But whatever programme you use, the global axes will follow the right hand screw rule, where turning a screw from the global X axis to the global Y axis will drive the screw into the positive Z direction.

Aside: If you have never driven a screw into a piece of wood, or tightened up a bolt, then this will mean nothing to you, but then I would ask if you are in the right profession J


Figure 38 - Global Coordinate System (Cartesian)

 It is very important to check how your particular programme works (they have these things called manuals and you might find it useful to read them occasionally). By way of example, SuperStress uses Z up for everything, STAAD uses Y up (but you can change your default). Some programmes try to be helpful and use X and Y if there are only 2 dimensions, so that “Up” changes. I am not interested in what LUSAS does (sorry if that is a pain for you, but such is life).

For the purposes of this discussion, I will always assume that Z is “Up”: if your programme uses a different system then please adapt.

In order to visualise this, try thinking of the origin, i.e. X=0, Y=0, Z=0, or (0,0,0) as the front left hand corner of your (hopefully rectangular) desk. The global X axis runs from left to right along the front of the desk, global Y runs along the left hand edge from front to back, and global Z is vertically up.

PLEASE NOTE that I am using uppercase letters for the Global Coordinate System.

The joints can usually be entered into the model in a number of ways, and the possibilities are programme specific. Typically, though, you might be able to enter them individually, generate a series of joints in a line or a grid, use Excel to generate and then import them in (easy in good programmes, next to impossible in others), copy existing joints at regular intervals, mirror or rotate existing joints etc. etc etc. However you get there, your model will have a number of joints that define its position in space.

Joining the dots (joints)

Having defined your joints, you now need to join the dots together with some bits of structure. The types of structural bits will depend on what you are trying to do, as well obviously as by what your programme can cope with, but they can be most simply (childishly ??) thought of as rods, plates or blocks.

A rod will have two ends, a plate will (typically) have three or four corners (although some programmes are too clever by half and have extra nodes that are automatically generated) and a block will typically have eight corners (if you are sensible) but could actually have anything from four to eight (six is OK if an extruded triangle but others only if you like pain).

What happens now depends on what you are trying to do. For this initial discussion, I will just be talking about “Rods” aka beams, members, struts, whatever… The rod in the model will generally run along the centroid of physical element and the joints are the best fit of where the sticks intersect.

Fundamental: The basic rule is that, unless you do something to tell the programme otherwise, the ends of any member move in the same way as the joints to which they are attached, and those attachments are rigid for both force and moment. Hence, unless you rule otherwise, two or more members that are joined to the same joint will be rigidly connected at that location for both force and moment. Only if you over ride this with a specific member command, or with a global analysis command, will they act as though they are not rigidly connected.

How can the joints move ?

The following bit is actually very easy, but you need to keep your wits about you. As I have said before, there are lots of methods used in modelling to make your life easier, unfortunately they can also make it more complicated until you work out what is going on (at which point it becomes easy – honest guv).

In a 3D model, any joint in a model can translate (i.e. move along) any of the three global axes X, Y or Z. These joints can also rotate ABOUT those same three axes. Again, rotation about a global axis follows the right hand screw rule with which you should be familiar from pre-university physics. Hence in the general case, there are six possible ways that a joint can move. In typical “Blind you with BS” mode, lots of people with pointy heads will say that each joint has “Six Degrees of Freedom” or 6 DoF: this means that the programme has to keep track of six pieces of information for each node and that section properties, supports etc have to have enough information to keep up. More of this later when I get on to simpler model forms.

Local member axes (local coordinate system)

I used the somewhat silly term “Rod” because the general term is “Member” and this apparently causes some sniggers in some parts of the world, where it is used as a euphemism. Unfortunately I now have to bite the bullet and refer to members (no, titter ye not ! - with apologies to the late Frankie Howerd) since that is what the programmers usually call them.

Unlike joints, which all use the same Global Coordinate System, every single member (or element or block or whatever) has a different Local Coordinate System, or local axis system.

When you define a member, it will run between two joints and you will have to specify one of them first, followed by the second joint: I will call these End 1 and End 2 (although some manuals use other other terms). The LOCAL x axis (please note the lower case x for a local axis) runs from End 1 to End 2 regardless of how the member is orientated in the global coordinate system. If you are particularly masochistic, and had a member parallel to the global X axis, with End 1 at a higher value of X than End 2, then the local x axis could actually be running in the opposite direction to the global X axis.

Figure 39 - direction of local x axis

FOR THE VERY PARTICULAR CASE WHEN THE MEMBER LIES ALONG THE GLOBAL X AXIS AND END 2 X > END 1 X, and only when it does, the set of three local axes, referred to as the x, y and z axes, are parallel to the respective global X, Y and Z axes.

And now for the more interesting local axes

The remaining local axes are not quite so straightforward, when you look at the definition, but are actually quite sensible when you look at what they are trying to do.

Unless the member is running in a vertical direction, the local axes should follow the following process (but read your manual to check).

Figure 40 - local z and y axes

A vertical plane is created which contains the member under consideration. The first image in Figure 40 shows a plan view of the member (red) and the plane (black). Section marks are also shown on the first image that define the direction of the second view, which is looking horizontally and perpendicular to the plane.

Taking the global Z axis as “Up” (and modify to suit if it is not), the local z axis will be drawn on the vertical plane perpendicular to the local x axis. There are two directions in which it could be drawn, and the programme will point it in the direction that is most upwards. In other words, all the programme is doing is setting the local z perpendicular to the local x, and then making it point as far upwards as it possibly can.

The local y axis is then defined perpendicular to both x and z axes following the right hand screw rule (slightly odd here since we have to turn from x to y when y does not exist, but you probably have the idea).

In the very special case of the member being vertical (often taken to be when it lies within 1O of the global “Up” axis” – but check your manual) then there are an infinite number of vertical planes that could contain the member. The local “Up” axis is then usually taken as parallel to the NEGATIVE global X axis. This makes a lot of sense in practice since a lot of analysis lie within the single plane containing the global X and Z axes. If you take the horizontal member, running parallel to X which then has z upwards, and rotate it upwards about the local y axis, then the local z axis will rotate away from global Z towards negative global X. As the local x axis reaches global Z, the local z will naturally fall onto the negative X axis. This is only really a problem if your main plane of members is in the global Y Z plane, when the axes will suddenly turn 90 degrees as you approach vertical, But as the old joke goes “Doctor, Doctor, my shoulder hurts when I do this” – “Well don’t do it then”, we can also choose to orientate our major members along the global X axis and the problem goes away.

Member forces and moments

These are always specified relative to the local axes. Axial forces, tension or compression, always act along the local x axis. Shearing forces are defined by the direction in which one part of the member is trying to move, relative to the adjacent section. If the member is being sheared such that one part is trying to move in the local z direction, relative to the adjacent part of the same member, then this is a shear in the z direction (surprise !).

In a similar manner, if you hold the left hand end still and rotate the right hand end about the local x axis of a ruler, it will twist. Hence rotations about the local x axis causes torsion moments, or “x” moments.

Holding the ruler flat, and rotating both ends in opposite senses about the local y axis will cause either hogging or sagging bending moments, referred to as “y” moments. Turning it on its side and rotating about the local z axis will cause bending in the other direction and I will leave it to you to guess what they are called.

Bored now ! says the poor reader, who is wondering why I am prattling on about something so obvious.

Section properties

The members are generally prismatic, i.e. they have the same cross section along their length and straight (some programmes do allow tapered or curved members but that is more specialist). The properties that are entered for a member are those for the relevant cross section.


As discussed above, the local axes are x along, with, say, z up and y sideways on the cross section. However, the various codes, such as BS5400 or the Eurocodes, quite often use both x and y axes on the cross section. This is shown in Figure 41. The two sign conventions are in no way related and it is quite common for the member y axis to be equivalent to the code x and member z to code y. But when you are modelling, you need to use the modelling conventions and then convert the axes into the code conventions. I am sorry about this, but I would like to stress that I wrote neither the codes nor the analysis programmes.

Figure 41 - conflicting sign conventions

 Simpler model forms

I started off by describing how analysis works for 3D frames but mentioned that I would later get onto simpler forms of structures.

In the most complex 3D form, as I wrote previously, each node can translate (move) in three directions and rotate around three axes, giving 6 Degrees of Freedom. With this form of structure, you can put loads in any direction, but require information to cover all forms of member deflection, and the structural matrix that is created is slightly smaller than 6n x 6n where there are n nodes in the structure.

But if you are only applying loads in the plane of the frame, i.e. your frame sits in the global XZ plane and the loads all sit inside the global XZ plane, then the various joints on the frame will only move in the X and Z directions, and rotate about the global Y direction. So if you are working on a problem that requires only these limited types of movement then the programme can ignore movement in the Y direction, and rotation about X and Z axes. For this problem you could use a 2D frame analysis rather than the 3D frame. The advantages are that the computer only needs to keep track of three pieces of information per joint and since the member can only stretch in one direction, shear in another and bend about the third, only three member section properties are required to describe the member rather than the normal 6. This type of analysis is referred to as having joints with Three Degrees of Freedom, or 3 DoF. Of course, you could do the analysis with all 6 DoF, but it is harder work for both you and the computer.

If you have loads that are acting out of plane, i.e. in the global Y direction, then you will need to use the full 3D frame analysis, with 6 DoF and 6 member section properties.

There is another form of analysis that only uses 3 DoF, which is the Floor, or Grillage, analysis. These are used when the loads are only perpendicular to the plane of the members, hence the “Floor”. They are typically used for deck type analyses, where you might have a slab, or a series of beams and slabs, that can distribute load in two directions. The relevant DoF here are movement in Z and rotation about X and Y. This form of analysis gives results of bending moment and shear, as well as torsion, but does not consider in plane forces (leading to axial forces) at all.

In both the plane frame and the grillage models, the default position is that members that come into a joint are moment connected, as well as force connected (for axial and/or shear force as relevant).

Truss analysis

Please listen very carefully, I will say this only once ! (more references to dodgy English sitcoms, and actually very unlikely for someone who repeats himself as much as I do).

Truss structures, in the physical or real world, are triangulated skeletal structures that predominantly resist load in axial tension and compression. Being a truss, in the real world, does not mean that the structure will not have any bending effects, just that they are not the dominant behaviour.

Truss structures, in modelling, are triangulated skeletal structures that only resist load in axial tension and compression. They should strictly be referred to as pin-jointed trusses because they assume that the ends of the members are pinned i.e. they can rotate relative to each other.

Plane trusses, where the loads only occur in the plane of the structure, only need to keep track of two displacements and no rotations. They are therefore 2 DoF structures, with smaller matrices to solve, and the only section property required is axial area – simples !

3D trusses are similar to 2D trusses, in that they have no moments, and require no rotations, just movement. They are therefore referred to as 3 DoF problems. They do, however, require triangulation in three dimensions or they will just fall over.

But just because a structure is physically a truss in the real world does not mean that it should necessarily be modelled as a truss - that is an informed choice that you need to make. Railway bridges are often physical trusses, and the vertical and diagonal members are often treated as pin ended truss members because the connections are not sufficiently strong to restrain rotation, and the resulting plastic yield will release any moments. But the top and bottom chords, and often the end verticals/diagonals, are usually very robust, and the moments that they pick up may have very nasty local effects on parts of the members (which often have unstiffened plates that could buckle locally). In this situation, it is quite common to model the “Truss” as a frame (to give continuity around the robust members) and then to release the ends of the internal diagonals and verticals so that they act as pin ended truss members.

Overall, if you need to model a mixture of 2D and 3D members, or a mixture of bending and truss members, then your overall model will need to accommodate the most complex parts, and the rest of the structure will need to be modified to suit (e.g. by pinning the ends of those members that you want to act as truss members).

Aside: for the purists amongst you, there is also a form of “Truss” called a Vierendeel truss that is not triangulated and relies on local bending of the members. Vierendeel trusses CANNOT be analysed as pin jointed trusses. They are much beloved by my dear, dear friends the architects, who love “… the clean lines and elegant flow …” of the structural type, but they are very expensive to build and only an architect would think that the form followed function. For more info, please refer to Wikipedia (another annoying abuse of the English language but I will forgive them because it is so useful).

Section properties

The section properties that an analysis requires are those of the cross section i.e. the section that is perpendicular to the centroid of the beam. For the beam in Figure 41, that is the bit at the I section shown at the end with a thicker line. Please refer to the cross section in Figure 41, marked “Typical analysis programme”, for the axes that I am using, and remember that “y” and “z” will swap if global axes have Y up.

Ax = axial area = total area of (flanges + web)

Ay = shear area sideways = total area of flanges

Az = shear area vertically = total area of web (sometimes including the projected bit of flanges as well, depending on code)

Ixx (which should theoretically be called J) = torsional stiffness, which is complicated.

If it is a closed thin shell section (e.g. a hollow box) then the stiffness = 4A2G/(ds/t)  where A is the area enclosed by the midline of the shell, s is the distance around the midline, which is split into short sections ds, with ds/t integrated around the entire section. Typically, closed sections are torsionally stiff.

If the section is not closed, e.g. an I section, a channel or an angle, or even an almost square hollow section where a plate is bent to form an almost continuous section but not welded to close the corner, then the section is broken into a series of rectangular plates. Each of these plates is treated separately, of width b and thickness t, and torsional stiffness is calculated as 1/3(1‑0.63t/b).bt3. The results for the sections are then simply summed. Relative to a closed section, open sections have almost no torsional stiffness (although you have to put something in or the computer might have a conniption fit).

Iyy = vertical bending stiffness calculated using the parallel axis theorem

Izz = horizontal bending stiffness calculated using the parallel axis theorem.

On an I section Iyy >> Izz.

But if you use the beam on its side then everything switches.

Fundamental: if you are analysing something that is not skeletal then different practices often apply. If you are analysing concrete bridge decks, I would recommend Bridge Deck Behaviour by Dr. Edmund Hambly. This covers items like the interaction between two rectangles of concrete in torsion, when they are joined instead of separate (the torsion stiffness changes by a factor of 2 but I forget which way J ) and analysing the transverse shear stiffness of a concrete deck with top and bottom flanges with widely spaced webs (it acts predictably in bending but the shear depth might be 5mm for a 1.5m deep deck). Please remember that this is a starter document to get you going and is not intended to make you an expert.

Material properties

Typically these will only be Young’s Modulus, the shear modulus and density, but you might need coefficient of expansion if you are looking at temperature effects and sometimes a few others.


This is an interesting one, which causes more grief than anything else, but just requires a bit of common sense.

The programme is NOT thinking the same way that you are. Consider a plane (i.e. 2D) frame analysis. If you are working with a horizontal simply supported beam, and your only loads are vertical, then there will be no horizontal reactions, and you might think that you do not need vertical restraint (i.e. restraint against movement in the Z direction aka fixing in the Z direction) – wrong. The programme works in a way that can accommodate any loads, whether you apply them or not. If you specify a structure with just vertical supports then the computer will think that the beam can slide off sideways and the analysis will fail.

Aside: I do apologise to the purists for my anthropomorphism, because the programme does not think, and it is actually coming back with an error because the structural matrix is not soluble, but we all find ourselves having discussions with our pet programmes as though they are our human nemeses.

You will therefore need to put in a horizontal restraint as well i.e. fixing in the X direction. Although, for reasons that I will not go into, the vertical bending behaviour would not be changed if you fixed both ends, it is normal to use the least number of restraints that will keep the structure stable AND that will accurately reflect the behaviour.

If we stretch the same structure to 3D, then one end would normally be fixed against movement in X, Y and Z and the other end would also be fixed in Y and Z. HOWEVER, this structure would also fail because a 3D analysis allows torsion about local x and the beam would be able to rotate like a prop shaft unless you fix one end against rotation as well (this is one reason why you normally only use the dimensions that you need to).

Similarly, a grillage model (2D with all loads perpendicular to the plane) does not require horizontal restraint because it does not consider horizontal movement. But converting this to a 3D space frame, which does include horizontal movement, would require a number of horizontal fixities.

The important thing to consider is that your model is representing a real structure (something that some people do have a problem with). If they try to balance a sheet of card on its edge, they understand that it will fall over but then cannot see why a plane frame would also fall over if they modelled it in 3D without rotational restraint.

If you are lucky enough to use a good programme then it might detect a problem, warn you, and put in a weak notional spring to get some sort of solution, this then allows you to see what is going on and solve the problem. But unfortunately, not all programmes are created equal.


You will need some of these.

Typically individual loads are applied in groups called load cases. Nearly all programmes will then allow you to combine load cases into load combinations e.g. 1.1 x load case 1 + 1.5 x load case 2 etc. This is always very tempting but (and I know that I am banging my head against a brick wall and you will probably ignore this) please, please, please, please, please, please do not do it.

Reason the First. One major problem with computers, and where they differ greatly from my graduates, is that they do exactly what you tell them.

Aside: Ok so some graduates do what you tell them, but usually only when my instruction has not been precise enough and I am sure that they are wilfully misinterpreting me in the most embarrassing cases J.

If you apply a series of loads then some of them will make a problem worse (adverse effects) and some will make a problem better (relieving effects). Most programmes will simply add the results together and will not consider that you are reducing a bending moment by adding a load that may or may not be there all of the time. Even for loads that are always there, adverse loads might require a factor of 1.2 whilst relieving loads would require a factor of 1.0 (I have never been clear why this should not be 1/1.2 but go figure). So unless you are very clever or very lucky, you risk getting the wrong answer by using load combinations. Taking the results out into Excel and then using simple rules to combine the results gives a much better result.

Reason the Second. This reason is either irrelevant, or the most important thing since sliced bread, depending on your approach to life. If you only look at combinations of loads then you will never get a feel for what is important in an analysis. Everything is an approximation, but some approximations matter more than others. If you know that a load only contributes 0.5% of the answer, compared to 80% from another load, then it should be fairly obvious which one has to be applied “Accurately” (there ain’t no such animal) and which one you only need to get in the right ballpark.

One of my favourite games with a cocky graduate is to pose them this question (and I am reducing my fun quotient if any of them read this before I get to them) …

If you are analysing a three span continuous concrete bridge, with spans of 16, 20 and 16m and a solid slab of concrete that is 1m thick (plus surfacing as well), then what proportion of the total nominal load will come from the long term loads (concrete plus surfacing) and what proportion from the live (vehicle) loads.

The typical answer from a grad (and even quite a few grey bearded engineers)might be vary from 20 and 50% long term with 80 to 50% live loads.

I have seen some grads create 80 or 90 load cases to get the worst bending and the worst shear cases at all points across the deck, trying to squeeze a couple of extra % of load. The calculation for concrete self-weight might be three lines.

When I then point out that a realistic answer might actually be 75% long term load and 25% live load, they realise that they have been concentrating all their time to optimise a few % of 25%, and ignoring that the edge cantilever (which they might have forgotten) is actually 10% of a much larger number. I must add that a steel/concrete composite bridge is more likely to be 50:50 but that the surfacing might be 1/6 of the total load.

Piling everything in together will never allow you to develop an understanding of which loads your structure is sensitive to and therefore which loads you ought to be taking the most care with. It will also prevent you picking up that the wrong load is governing, which might be caused by something as simple as a decimal point in the wrong place.


When you finally manage to get some of these, they will probably be wrong – get used to it.

With 30 years’ experience, concentrating on doing the hard numbers and minimising the management side where possible, I am considered as being good at my job. In practice this means that I might get the model right first time about one time in twenty (yes I did mean to write 5% of the time). Admittedly my models tend to be more complex than most because I get all of the fun jobs, but you have to remember that everyone makes mistakes and that the mark of a good engineer is to spot them.

The first thing to check is that the structure is bending in a sensible manner. My first ever bridge analysis resulted in self-weight causing an upwards deflection of a quarter of a million miles. This was great because, even as a fresh grad, I could see that there was probably something slightly wrong. It turned out that I had applied gravity as a positive force, when that programme needed a negative (be warned, some programmes use a factor for self-weight which might be +1 to give you a negative Z force – others might require a -9.81) so it deflected the wrong way. I had also forgotten to put in a Young’s modulus, and rather than giving an error, it used a value of 1E‑16 and was therefore a tad too flexible.

Deflections actually control the behaviour of any structure, and this is a good way of picking up problems with your supports. If you have applied too many displacement supports of a certain type, your structure might have an unexpected rotational fixity as one works against another, and looking at the deflected shape will hopefully highlight this.

It is also worth looking at the magnitude of the overall deflection under full loading. There are no hard and fast rules, but an overall deflection between span/200 and span/1000 indicates that you are at least within the right order of magnitude.

It is very easy to make a mistake applying loads. It is also simple to add up the reactions and compare them to what you wanted to apply. On my favourite programme, I once made a mistake whilst running a train of loads over the span. I was used to applying this load train to plane frames, so the “Axle” load was actually a single point load. When I applied this to a track on a 3D structure, with the two rails being modelled 1.5m apart, what the programme called axle loads (which should have been divided by two to get the wheel loads) turned out to be wheel loads: I had therefore applied one train to each rail, not to each track, and inadvertently doubled the applied load. I picked this up, however, when the total reaction from the trains was twice what it should have been.

Results (really this time)

Member results from a skeletal analysis (as opposed to finite elements, which I will touch on in a moment) are always either forces or moments. The forces run in the direction of the relevant axis (FX is axial force, FZ is shearing in the local z direction) and the moments obey the right hand screw rule and act about the relevant axes (MX is the torsion moment, MY is the moment about the local y axis).

Nice and simple …

BUT humans work with bending moments whilst computer programmes work with moments. These seem to be the same thing and some programmes even refer to bending moments instead of moments.

Figure 42 - Member End Actions cf Bending Moments

 Figure 42 shows a blow up of part of the bending moment diagram for a simply supported beam. It does not matter what sign convention is used (the standard ones being sagging moment positive, positive plotted downwards or – my favourite – hogging positive, positive plotted upwards) the bending moment diagram should be drawn on the tension side of the member. This is convenient for reinforced concrete because that is where the main rebar goes (or it could have been decided intentionally – mists of time). The important fact is that the above bending moment diagram above will all be of one sign.

But the analysis will use a number of members that are all joined together. These are shown in red in the blow up, and I have pulled the ends in to make the diagram clearer. The member end actions, i.e. the actions that happen at the end of the member (gosh darnit but Engineers think of some complex names for things) are acting in the opposite directions at the ends of two adjacent elements (note the +M2 and the –M2) and the results table will show flipping of the signs on either side of the node. A similar thing happens for the axial forces and the shear forces. You need to decide how you do things, but generally I pick a sign convention that I am happy with and then chose to take the results from either end 1 OR end 2 to suit and use those. I usually have to take one result from the other end, adjacent to a support, and reverse the signs, but it generally works out OK (partly because I plan my models so that this will work).

Finite Elements

I am not going to talk much about finite elements, like plates/shells or solid elements, except to say that they are just a different implementation of member analysis. The main difference is that the equations that form the structural matrix are more complex.

Just as you can have members that take bending only, axial only, or both, you can have elements that can have bending only, membrane action only or both.

Element properties are usually simpler and often consist just of thickness, although some programmes will allow you to specify different bending properties etc in two directions at right angles. Programmes vary, but often the local x axis is set up in the direction between joints 1 and 2, although the z axis depends on which way round the element the joints 1, 2, 3 (and probably 4) are ordered.

The biggest kicker, which confuses a lot of beginners, is that although the x stress is in the x direction, the x bending is a moment that results in a bending stress in the x direction. If the two plate axes are x and y, then x bending in the plate is actually bending about the local y axis. Again, do not start off on me because I did not decide this.

When creating elements, you need to keep them as flat as possible, i.e. all nodes in a particular element must stay very close to one plane, although that plane can be oriented in any direction and will often vary greatly between the various elements. The shape of the element should not be too extreme, and I always try to keep rectangular elements within a ratio of 2 to 1, although I will stretch to 4 to 1 if there is not any high rate of stress change.

The density of the mesh matters, and needs to be fine where stresses are changing fast. One technique that the experts use is to model the problem with progressively finer meshes until the results do not change. Nice idea if you have the time but I tend to look at the stress plots and start to get worried if I get more than 3 of the typically 15 stress contours crossing one element (not scientific but what the heck) or if there are any violent changes in direction at stress concentrations.


That’s almost all for now folks.

I will, however, leave you with one reminder and that is that the model is representing a real structure. You need to develop a feel for how the structure will behave in real life and then make your model match that. The real structure could not give a tinker’s cuss what you have modelled (and, not being sentient does not realise that you are modelling it) and you should never make the argument  “But the model does …” unless you are confident that that is reasonable behaviour.

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